terça-feira, 14 de janeiro, 2014

Orange Health grows with focus on multivitamins

The increase of purchasing power and class C's concern with the health continues to influence the results of the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. With the development of multivitamins and health and beauty items focused on this public, the Orange pharmaceutical Health has grown considerably in the last four years and has seen its sales double in 2012 to 2013. Of 12 million went to 24 million. The company began with the sale of Supla Z, an add-in from A to Z, and adopted the policy of quality products at low prices, the same motto of generics and the like. It was the starting point to expand the product offering. "Class C sought supplemental and could find no cheap options. We invest in this market potential ", says Director Humberto Lopes.
EmbaNews - 13/01/2014
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