quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro, 2014

Lenovo surpasses HP and now leads the world wide market

SÃO PAULO-Lenovo overtook Hewlett-Packard (HP) and now is the world market leader in PCs, according to data released by IDC consulting. The Chinese company closed 2013 with 17.1% market share against 16.6 percent of the American company.
Lenovo sold altogether in 2013, 53.8 million units of PCs, while HP has reached the level of 52.2 million computers sold. The third position in the ranking continues to be occupied by American Dell also, which now owns 12% of this market and 37.8 million PCs sold last year.
HP results in 2013 were not very encouraging. The company, besides losing the rank of leader in the PC market for Lenovo, saw a precipitous drop-off of 10, 3% in sales. Last year, the company sold 58.2 million computers.
Of the five market leaders, only Lenovo recorded increased sales in 2013. In addition to HP, Dell ( -2.4), Acer Group ( -28.5%) and ASUS ( -19.6%) recorded drop in sales. According to the study conducted by IDC, the negative result is a reflection of consumers ' decision to migrate to mobile devices like tablets and smartphones.
A total of 314.6 million computers were sold worldwide last year, a fall of 10% in comparison with the numbers reached in 2012. "The PC market again came very close to the expectations, but, unfortunately, failed to significantly alter the trajectory of growth," Loren Loverde reveals, Vice President of IDC.
In the vision of Loverde, the desktop computer market must feel a slight improvement in 2014, but not enough to escape from negative numbers. "The sales figures fell for the seventh consecutive quarter while the u.s. numbers have fallen in the last quarter of 2013, other regions showed improvement, which reinforces our view that growth rates will improve gradually in 2014, but the numbers remain in negative territory" as analyzes Loverde.
Lenovo also leads in Brazil Recently, Lenovo also assumed the leadership of the Brazilian PC market according to data released by IDC for the third quarter of last year. "This achievement is a historic moment of Lenovo in the country that, for the first time, reaches the highest top of the market. I am extremely happy with the result of a highly trained professional team, "says Dan Store, President of Lenovo Brazil.
Diário Comércio Indústria e Serviços – 13/01/2014
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