terça-feira, 28 de janeiro, 2014

Apple's profit stays stable in the first fiscal quarter, at $ 13 billion

SÃO PAULO-Apple has frustrated those who hoped the first high on the result of the company since the third quarter of 2012 and showed stable net profit, considered the annual comparison in the first quarter of the fiscal year of 2014, equivalent to the months of October to December 2013. The technology giant reported earnings of $ 13.07 billion in the period.
Considered the earnings per share of $ 14,50, the American overcame the projection of $ 14.09 consensus, according to a survey of market consultancy FactSet. The net revenue of $ 57.6 billion, 5.6% above a year earlier, slightly exceeded market forecasts, $ 57.4 billion.
The company headed by Tim Cook hit both record sales of iPhones — the result includes the launch of 5S and 5 c models, aimed at foreign markets — how iPads, whose line was updated in the period. The company sold 51 million smartphones and 26 million units of tablets in the quarter, up 6.7% and 13.5%, respectively.
Gross margin, which indicates the percentage of revenue that remains after costs, stood at 37.9% at the end of December, just above the top of the range between 36.5% and 37.5% projected by the company in the previous quarter. However, there was no indentation of 0.7 percentage point compared to the previous year.
The company's shares retreated 6% in pós-fechamento technology stock exchange Nasdaq at 7:45 pm (GMT), US $ 520. The company did not achieve its goal of selling 55 million iPhones in the period, as analysts predicted.
Valor Econômico - 27/01/2014
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