terça-feira, 03 de setembro, 2013

Melitta Wake launches line Xtra Coffee in packs of paper certificate

Xtra line Coffee brings two new and different flavors with extra amount of coffee
Almost a year and a half after releasing Wake-up drink with different flavors and coffee-the Melitta invests once again winning the young-adult consumer of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Wake Xtra Coffee is the new stresses of drink and brings new flavors with an extra amount of coffee.
To create the flavors of this new line, the Melitta sought inspiration in the drinks served in the most crowded cafes of Brazil and the world. This research and adaptation to the Brazilian palate emerged the Xtra flavors Coffee French Vanilla (Vanilla with more coffee) and Xtra Coffee Nut Mocca (chocolate with hazelnut and coffee).
"Young-adult consumers like variety, to discover new things and particularly of products and brands that speak specifically to them. These are some of the factors that put the brand Wake among the most consumed and tracks of young people in such a short time, "says Michaliszyn João, marketing manager of Melitta branded beverages, based on Nielsen data and company research.
Other big news that the Wake line passes to bring their packaging are produced with certified paper with the FSC-Forest Stewardship Council-one of the most recognized in the world, which attests to the sustainable and responsible use of natural resources.
Guia da Embalagem - 03/09/2013
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