quarta-feira, 21 de agosto, 2013

Sony PlayStation 4 will launch in Brazil on the day 29 November

SÃO PAULO-Sony announced the release date of its new video game console, the PlayStation 4. The device will hit stores in the United States on 15 November. Two weeks later, he will hit stores in Europe and in Latin America, including Brazil. In all, 50 countries receive the console until the end of the year.
In the United States, the suggested retail price of the PlayStation 4 is $ 399. The value is $ 100 cheaper than that of its main competitor, the Xbox One, from Microsoft.
The owner of the console Windows still has no date for the start of sales, but is on pre-order for $ 499,99. According to Microsoft, the expectation is that the Xbox One start being sold sometime in November, including in Brazil. The console is in pre-order in the country since June 26, for $ 2.2 million.
Sony gave no estimate of values for Brazil. The price strategy of Sony for the PlayStation 4 — at least abroad — reverses a logic that prevailed in the market of video games in the last seven years: that the PlayStation is more expensive than the Xbox. This can create an apparent advantage for the company, since the difference of $ 100 is important mainly in the u.s. market, the biggest buyer of videogames in the world.
According to Sony, the PlayStation 4 will be released with 16 games. By the end of the year the list will reach 38. The new console has as main features more features of interaction with social networks — in addition to improvements in terms of speed and high resolution graphics.
Valor Econômico - 20/08/2013
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