quarta-feira, 31 de julho, 2013

Wanda introduces new polyester mass

The AkzoNobel launches in August the new formula for Wanda polyester. According to the manufacturer, the product's main soft sanding attribute, which gives the student less effort, in less time and with a better result. The new lump also allows better fill the defects, as well as the rapid drying and appearance without pores.
Another novelty is the packaging. The previous Tin had 1 kilo, and the new 750 grams. According to Sandro Lemos, Coordinator of market segment of AkzoNobel Aerospace Coatings, Automotive & responsible for the graphic design of the packaging, the new format facilitates and optimizes the handling of the product, avoiding waste.
Embalagem Marca - 30/07/2013
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