sexta-feira, 07 de junho, 2013

Camil throws Beans Ready to temper in Tetra Pak packaging

The packaging of bean 490g ready without preservatives, allows the hostess season the product of your traditional way
With the release of the bean Ready to temper, Camil hopes revolutionize an old habit of homemaker to prepare, slice and freeze the beans.
By studying the Brazilian consumption habit, Camil saw an opportunity for innovation: replace the beans that the hostess prepares for daily consumption by Beans Ready to temper Camil. Traditionally the housewives prepare a larger quantity of beans without seasoning in a single day of the week, to fracioná it and freeze it, then season and consume the product packed according to family demand throughout the week. Camil's proposal is to provide the beans already cooked and without seasonings, preservatives or additives in Tetra Pak packaging of 490g. The product has a shelf life of 18 months and, to open the package, it is not necessary to use scissors or knives, because, through a tear off system, the hostess opens the same easily.
Using the Tetra Pak packaging, Camil uses as benchmark what was done by the milk industry in the 80. '' At that time, 100% of the country's milk was consumed in plastic bags, which had a shelf life smaller and demanded greater care on the part of Brazil. The sister Act was radical and the use of Tetra Pak packing was significant in the light of the benefits it provided, as well as the differentiated communication strategy at the time, '' argues the Marketing Director of Camil, Jacques Maggi Quartiero.
Another important factor for the release was based on research carried out in some Brazilian cities with hundreds of housewives. '' Every hundred interviewed, over 95 evaluated positively the packaging and demonstrated the highest intention to purchase '' celebrates the Executive of Camil. In addition, the beans Ready to temper Camil also received a great evaluation of interviewed on questions and flavor broth, considered great before and after the season the same housewife.
Camil invests in Tetra Pak packaging
In the last three years, Camil has invested in launching products with Tetra Recart, Tetra Pak. The factory, located in São Paulo, received investments of r $ 20 million. With products initially aimed at people who live alone or small families or couples with a child where they both work, the Camil released the line Ready in 2010, with temperate products coming out ready-to-eat without any manual contact, in packs of 380 grams.
'' The acceptance has been so positive, that we now Quartiero adds to meet the hostess, which has its own flavor to the beans, and that search also practicality to fractionate the product for daily consumption. Hence arose the 490 grams of beans ready to temper, without preservatives, to meet the whole family and bring innovation to the Brazilian '' habit.
The Tetra Recart packages have been specially designed, and its opening is possible without the use of knives or scissors as a function of a laser drilling system. Another added value is the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), which certifies the whole process of packing, paper supply from the forests to the retailer's shelf, ensuring that it is from a controlled and sustainable management.
Guia da Embalagem - 07/06/2013
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