sexta-feira, 05 de abril, 2013

Part wants to keep IPI for white line

The Government's decision to postpone the increase in the tax on industrialized products (IPI) for vehicles raised the discussion on negotiating the extension of benefit also to the sale of refrigerators, stoves, freezers and washing machines. With increasing forecast rates to be applied to the products of the so-called white goods from July, retailers and industry representatives are beginning to organize to plead an increase for the period of maintenance of the discount, which received a sales in 2012.

Still no consolidated data on the performance of household appliances this year, the President of the National Association of manufacturers of electrical and electronic products (power lines), Ken Kiçula, estimates that sales are not on the same level seen last year, but he expects a recovery for the second quarter. The negotiation of the extension of the term of the discount in the IPC would contribute to this recovery.

"We will have time to negotiate. Until June 30 we will work to talk with the Government in an attempt to keep the rates as they are ",
says Kiçula.

With the help of tax reduction, of 2011 to 2012, the trade in ranges, for example, grew by 20%, from 5.5 million to 6.6 million in the period. The high was 16% in refrigerators (from 6.2 million
for 7.3 million) and semi-automatic washing machines (with high of 3 million to 3.5 million).

Sales of automatic washing machines grew by 18%, from 4.2 million to 5 million. Without the continuation of some discount rates will double from July. For refrigerators, for example, the IPC will be 7.5% to 15%. In the case of washers, will rise from 10% to 20%. "When you talk about reduction, there is increased demand. And should the opposite occur, if the tax is recomposed. The industry already has dealt with pressure increase in the cost of raw materials, especially steel, and was left with little room for negotiation, "adds Kiçula.

At the end of retail, there is expectation of transfer pricing by some retailers, if the discount is even more reduced tax in July.

"In the first recovery rate, in January, we were able to negotiate with the industry and kept prices for our consumers. But I don't know if this will occur again in July. If the industry increase, we will have to pass on these costs, "predicts Leandro Cançado, commercial Director of Cybelar, furniture stores and network appliances that operates in the State of São Paulo. After purchasing the Rio Grande paulista of Columbus Stores arm, the company has to be plan regional leader in mobile and consumer electronics retailers in the State of São Paulo.

"For now, our movement is good. We estimate a high of about 7% in sales of the first quarter in comparison with the last year, "celebrates Leandro Cançado.
Brasil Econômico
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