quarta-feira, 10 de abril, 2013

More corn in grain crop in 2012/13

Conab revised slightly upward its estimate for a record domestic production of grain in 2012/13, to 184.45 million tons, 0.3% above the volume estimated in March and 10.8% in 2011/12 season. The setting was defined by a fix-up in the projection for corn, which compensated the reductions in projections for cotton, rice, beans and soya beans.
According to survey released yesterday, corn production should total 77.452 million tons, an increase of 6.1% on the previous cycle and new record. Growth, once again, will be pulled for the second crop. Leveraged by Mato Grosso, the harvest of "off-season" tends to rise 9.1%, to 42.685 million tons. Already the summer harvest, whose crop is at the end, tends to be of 34.767 million tonnes, 2.7% higher than that of 2011/12.
Still corn, who pulled the Brazilian production of grain in the last cycle, since the climatic adversities have damaged more soy, again losing to the oleaginous in 2012/13. According to Conab, the soybean farmers will reap 81.941 million tons-0.1% less than expected in March, but 23.4% more than in the previous cycle.
But, even if this "dispute" between cars-heads of grain production attracts attention by the weight that they both have for the national agribusiness, drew more attention the corrections made to cotton, rice and beans-particularly the last two, which have considerable weight on inflation, since the first face desestimulantes quotes.
According to Conab, the cultivation of rice "has been dropping crop yield due to competition with soya and maize, in addition to the" reduction of opening new areas and adverse climatic issues in the Northeast ". This year, the production was also affected by weather problems in the South, which accounts for three quarters of production. Bean production was also hampered by weather-only that in the Center-South, pest attacks and by competition with soy.
In survey also released yesterday, the IBGE downloaded in 1.2% in relation to the March projection, to 181.3 million tons, its calculations for the total grain harvest in the country this year, due to weather losses in soybean and corn crops. But, also according to the IBGE, this record, 12% greater than the calculated in 2011.
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