sexta-feira, 05 de abril, 2013

Klabin will install card machine in Ortigueira

Klabin will install in the municipality of Ortigueira a new card stock. The location is the same chosen by the company to mount your new pulp manufacturing, project that is budgeted at r $ 6.8 billion and must be made official by the company soon.
The new line of card stock will have the capacity to make up to 400 thousand tons/year of the product, used in the manufacture of packaging, and may go into operation before the deadline originally planned, as it was found the value. At current market values, according to industry experts, a machine of this size does not leave for less than $ 750 million to $ 800 million.
The Director-General of Klabin, Fabio Schvartsman, confirmed the choice of the site, but set no date nor mentioned values for the enterprise. "[The machine] will necessarily operation after pulp mill and in the shortest possible time," he said. The plans of the company, which had already declared the intention to invest in cards, provided the additional production starting one year after the inauguration of the pulp unit, which will provide the raw material. And this project should go into operation in the first half of 2015.
However, according to an industry source, the schedule of the cards can be anticipated, since the demand for Klabin's paper already exceeds production capacity. The expansion should serve mainly to increasing consumption of long-life packaging-the company is important supplier of Tetra Pak ' S giant.
In 2012, Klabin sold 670 thousand tons of coated cards, 3% above the sales volume a year earlier. At the same time, the Brazilian expedition of card stock, excluding liquid cards-one of the company's strong, reached 531 thousand tons, up 2.6%, according to data from the Brazilian pulp and Paper Association (Bracelpa).
Although it is already certain that the line will be installed in Ortigueira, yet there is no setting on the "ownership" of the investment: If you will be under the umbrella of Klabin S.A. or Klacel, internal name given to the company that will be formed to run the project.
In this new company, Klabin will be controller and will provide strategic investors, while forests will come with the financial resources to industrial design. The definition of the legal entity that will assume the card machine depends on rightly agreed funding model for the Klacel.
So far, according to sources close to the industry, Klabin has not completed the set of investors who will finance the project and one of the alternatives under consideration is that the shareholders of the company also make contributions. The expectation, according to the sources, is that the project of construction of a new pulp mill is subjected to approval by the Board of Directors in April or may. Schvartsman avoided making statement on the decision to be taken by the shareholders
The last major Klabin's investment in card stock was done in 2007, on a machine with a capacity of 350 000 tonnes a year in Telemaco Borba, Parana-with adjustments, production can reach 400 thousand tons a year. The machine can produce 9 cards used in food packaging and cleaning and hygiene (Folding Box Board), for beer, soft drinks and yoghurts (Carrier Board) and long life for food liquids and pastes (Liquid Packaging Board).
At the time, total disbursements amounted to r $ 2.2 billion, which embeds also spending with a eucalyptus fiber production line for the CTMP process, a new biomass boiler, among other improvements. From the investment, the Klabin's factory in Telemaco Borba joined the Group of the ten largest paper units in the world, with a capacity of 1.1 million tons per year.
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