segunda-feira, 08 de abril, 2013

Idec rebukes all brands of cheese search

25 samples of cheese were evaluated of 15 marks (Almeida, Daniel Light, sugar cane, Cascade, Cascade Light, Cristina, Cristina Light, Cruzília, day, day Light, Fazenda Bela Vista, Ipanema, Ipanema Light, Montesanina, Pure, Pure Light, Quatá, Quatá Light 85%, Santa Clara, Santa Clara SanBios, Santiago, Santiago Light, Tirolez, Tirolez Light and Vernizzi) and all have been deprecated.
The research of the Idec (Brazilian Institute of consumer Defense), occurred between December 2012 to January 2013. In relation to the fifteen brands of minas frescal cheese research, the study pointed out that they are more greasy and have less protein than they are, and can cause food poisoning.
The test was done in specialized laboratory, with 25 samples of minas frescal cheese (light and integral) and identified faecal coliforms above the allowed limit in five of them. Deprecated tags in terms of sanitary quality were: Daniel, Daniel Light, Cascade, Santiago Light and Verinizzi.
Ana Paula Baran, researcher and nutritionist of Idec, although no other microorganism (pathogenic or not) have been detected, the level of contamination by coliforms of fecal origin was high.
Nutritional analysis
In another step, the test verified the amount of nutrients present in this type of cheese: proteins, fats (saturated, unsaturated, and trans), calcium and sodium. The detected values were compared with those reported in the nutritional table present on the packaging of products. In addition, it was observed that the label information follow the norms of Anvisa (national health surveillance agency).
The conclusion was that companies inform incorrectly the amount of nutrients on the label. Some have more fat than they are, and of the nine brands that claim to be light, eight are not.
The biggest variations between the label and the real value were identified in light cheeses. The worst case was that of Day Light, which has 932% more total fat than is stated on the packaging. Almost ten times more.
In General, the products feature discrepancy on more than one nutrient. The Santiago Light cheese, for example, reports on very different values than actually has in its composition to total fats, saturated and unsaturated, and sodium.
When it comes to protein, the mismatch is widespread and affects both the light as the integral: in 19 of the 25 samples the actual amount of nutrient is less than the Commission informed on the label.
"The widespread inaccuracy of nutritional information reveals a lack of control in the manufacturing process of these products and their labels," says Carlos Thadeu de Oliveira, technical manager of Idec.
The light
Very pure Light cheeses and Santiago Light beyond: the test identified that the total fat content of them is greater than that of conventional products of the same brand. The light version of Pure brand has 9.1% more total fat than the integral; in the case of cheeses Santiago, the difference is 0.6%. The Day light contains virtually the same amount of total fat that your similar: the first has 5.16 g total fat per serving, and the second, 5.30 g.
Anvisa and Ministry of agriculture
To the Anvisa, despite the limited amount of cheeses tested, calls attention to the high incidence of samples. "The results presented by the Idec will be evaluated and the appropriate tax measures will be adopted," promises the Agency, through its press office. According to the regulator, the health legislation does not require manufacturers to submit reports attesting to the physico-chemical composition of foods, but they are responsible for the quality of the products we offer, as well as for the information broadcast on the same.
The Ministry of agriculture, livestock and food supply (Mapa) will analyze the test results conducted by Idec and request that the State organs monitor the companies involved.
The manufacturers
The companies responsible for brands Cruzília, Fazenda Bela Vista and Vernizzi claimed that their products conform to the labelling standards, because the RDC No. 360/Anvisa 2003 establishes tolerance of 20% more or less than the levels declared on the label. They also said that the amount of unsaturated fats should not be questioned by Idec because his statement is not required.
The responsible for the brand's Light reported that sent product samples for analysis and that, if it is proven that nutrition labelling is incorrect, it shall take immediate action to its suitability.
Tirolez, and argue that the tolerance for the nutrient content declared on the label is 20% more or less than justified that the variation of saturated fats in the conventional cheese brand due to serum due to loss of coolant temperature changes of the product. As for the discrepancy in the total fat content, saturated and unsaturated in the light version, said that test results from the Idec do not match with the history of the company, which makes periodic analyses, and reports sent may 2011 and October 2012.
The responsible for the brand Day Light warned that notified all employees involved, which asked the Federal inspection service the product review and that will adopt all necessary measures to ensure that the fact does not occur.
The housewives of the cane marks a very pure and Purríssimo Kingdom, Light said they will change the label.
Responsible for brands Almeida and Almeida Light said that since January this year replaced the outsourced company that produces cheese, because it had already identified problems in the manufacturing process.
A company, responsible for two failed (Light and cascade), had not responded to the dissemination of research by Idec.
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