quinta-feira, 11 de abril, 2013

Fresh products had strong weight in the IPC-S

SAO PAULO-the acceleration of prices of fresh products accounted for a large part of inflation calculated by the consumer price index (IPC-S) Weekly of the first quadrissemana of April, which was 0.71%. According to information given on Monday by the Coordinator of the index and researcher at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Paulo Sizes alone subgroups vegetables and Vegetables, which rose from 8.96% to 11.85% between March and the first closing April quadrissemana, and the fruit (5.29% to 6.19%), 0.24 percentage point accounted for inflation for the period. "It's a lot. And, as always, the problem comes from fresh, with the tomato leading the high ", commented. Despite having won featured in the press in recent days, this item continued with prices in acceleration, of 11.62 percent to 15.90% from last year.
The Economist added that, still considered the behavior of Meals in restaurants and bars (0.72%), 0.05 percentage point who contributed to the CPI-S, the participation of the three subgroups would almost 0.30 percentage point.
In this way, the IPC-S was practically at the same level as in the previous reading of 0.72% at the end of March. But the Coordinator was optimistic about the upcoming polls. "There are elements to imagine that the IPC-S will walk to the prediction of 0.50% until the close of the month," he said, stressing that keeps this estimate to the index at the end of April. Also remains the same the 5.50% projection for the CPI-S at the end of 2013.
"The General reading (first quadrissemana) shows trend of slowing inflation, but on top of a very high level," he added. The Group was one of the few Feeding speed in IPC-S, from 1.31% to 1.49%, alongside health and personal care (0.51% to 0.57%) and miscellaneous expenditure (0.18% to 0.25%).
To reinforce their perception, Sizes highlighted the benign opening of the index in the first quadrissemana, that shows widespread cooling: the industrial prices of 0.31% to 0.29%; services, from 1.04% to 0.88%; marketable, 0.17% to 0.12%; administered, 0.87% to 0.82%; and diffusion index, 70.88% to 67.35%.
Within the IPC-S, the main negative contribution during the period came from item airfare from -5.75% to -13.13% previous reading now, favoring Education group relief, reading and Recreation (0.24% to 0.06%). "After the holidays, this is lower demand," said the Economist.
Other highlights were the fall-friendly and high less of fuel, which contributed to the loss of pace of the increase in transport (0.34% to 0.26%). Ethanol increased from 2.19% to 1.77%. "It can be the input of the crop, cane or the movement of gasoline," he said. The latter reversed the high, to leave 0.12% to -0.14%, which increases competition with the derived from sugar cane.
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