quinta-feira, 04 de abril, 2013

Del Valle has new visual identity

The Del Valle, ready-to-drink juice line of Coca-Cola Brazil, changed its visual identity. The brand wins new typology and color, aligned to the global identity of juices of the Coca-Cola Company. The traditional red gives way to black, present in the neighbouring Andean countries products (Chile), Frugos (Peru) and Cepita (Argentina).
In Brazil, the change was led by Del Valle and Kapo. Up to the half of this year, all other brands of Coca-Coa-Homemade Orange, Fruit, lemon Valley & Del Nothing and Passionfruit & nothing – will have adopted the new visual identity. "The logo went through a series of gradual changes not to confuse the consumer. Overall, alignment with the brand gets more consistency and you can recognize it in any country, "says Sergio García, Chief Marketing Officer of Coca-Cola Brazil juices.
Since the creation of the trademark, in 2009, the visual identity of Del Valle was gradually being modified until you get to the current:
2006-Coca-Cola joins the international brand Minute Maid with the newly acquired More Juices, resulting in Minute Maid brand More
2007 – Mark Del Valle becomes part of the portfolio of Coca-Cola Brazil, after an international negotiation
2009-Del Valle joins the Minute Maid, Del Valle brand popping up More
2011-packaging fruit images and win leaves and the fruit average quantity information present in each product.
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