quarta-feira, 10 de abril, 2013

Decree can reduce price of smartphones in up to 30%

Was published yesterday in the Official Gazette decree that desonera the smartphones of Pis/Pasep and Cofins and can decrease the final price to the consumer by up to 30%, according to the Ministry of communications. Shall be entitled to discharge the cell phones with high-speed internet with values up to r $ 1.5 mil.
Manufacturers now expect the definition of technical features that the phone must have to be considered a smartphone and be discharge. Yet there is no deadline for the publication of the rules by the Ministry of communications.
"Motorola is working with retailers to ensure that, as soon as the gatehouse with the detailing of the characteristics of the products is published and enter into force, the reduction is passed on in full to consumers," says the manufacturer Motorola, which produces smartphones in its plant in Jaguariúna (São Paulo). The company has been investing in this type of equipment to grow and last month launched two models with prices of up to $ 800, to attract people who want to buy the first smart phone.
Nokia, which produces eight models of smartphones in Manaus (AM), also claims that the measure will have an impact on the final price of the product. In a statement, the manufacturer States that still awaits the publication of the technical specifications of what is smartphone by the Government to disclose which of these models will fit in the new decree.
The Ministry of communications has signed agreement with the Brazilian Association of electrical and Electronics Industry (Abinee) and with manufacturers of cell phones so that this tax reduction resulting from the inclusion of the law of the Well is fully passed on to consumers. The Government predicts the measure will generate a waiver of up to r $ 500 ilhões per year, which should lead to a reduction in the final price to the consumer of up to 30% compared to smartphones.
The Abinee, however, has a more conservative forecast, prices falling 7%. But the value can vary according to the strategy of manufacturers that, for now, they prefer to wait for the technical specifications to demonstrate. In a statement, Paul Bernardo, the telecommunications Minister, States that "companies will have to turn in thirty because demand is expected to grow" for smartphones.
Last year, 16 million were sold to smart phones in the country, 78% greater than the number of 2011, according to a study done by the consulting firm IDC. Meanwhile, sales of conventional devices presented fall of 25% over the same period, what shows the growth of the Brazilian interest in smartphones.
Brasil Econômico
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