quinta-feira, 04 de abril, 2013

Bombril grew 16% in 2012

The manufacturer of hygiene and cleaning products grew 16.3% in net revenues, leaving R $ 845,8 million in 2011 to $ 984 million last year, reflecting the high volume sold to the market during the period. For 2013, the brand hopes to keep the advance of the recipe in two digits.
According to a statement from Bombril, Ebitda (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciations and amortizations) presented 32% high on 2011, with profit of $ 81 million in the year-to-date. The company's shareholders ' equity improved by 58% from R$37,6 million to R$15,7 million.
Bombril won more with the expansion of the portfolio in hygiene and cleaning products, says Peter Barry, Chief Financial Officer and investor relations officer. Sales volume rose 8.6% last year.
Sales in categories besides the steel wool in which the brand is synonymous with the product, were driven by the campaign "Women Evolved", with the comedians Dani Calabresa, Marisa Orth and Monica Iozzi, launched in 2011. "The idea was to rejuvenate the brand by adopting a new language to treat the woman of the new middle class," says Mark Scaldelai, marketing director of Bombril.
According to Scaldelai, the brand is in great stage and its growth demonstrates the consolidation and repositioning on the market. "We have overcome all the objectives outlined during 2012, when we continue to rejuvenate and modernise the Bombril", says the Executive.
The company's portfolio comprises more than 500 household cleaning items, divided into 31 brands and 62 categories. The company intends to invest in increasing the capacity of Abreu e Lima (PE) and negotiates a partnership with the Government of Pernambuco and Banco do Nordeste. In Sete Lagoas (Minas Gerais State) there is also an expansion project after spending more than $ 8 million with modernization. In the array, in São Bernardo do Campo (SP), it is necessary to expand the storage sites, according to Chief Financial Officer. "The company hired an industrial Director at the end of January to remap the investments after revisiting the three factories", closed Brandi.
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