segunda-feira, 08 de abril, 2013

Anvisa libera products of Ades, but keeps the ban Apple juice

BRASILIA-the national health surveillance agency (Anvisa) published on Monday, 8, in the Diário Oficial da União resolution revoking previous decision that suspended all products with soy Ades brand. Today's resolution, however, maintains the ban Apple juice produced by the company.
The new determination is banned "the distribution, marketing and consumer exposure, throughout the national territory, AGB25 lot of Food product with Apple flavor Soy ', AdeS, 1, 5 l, manufactured in 2/25/2013 and valid until 12/22/2013, Unilever Brazil Industrial Ltda, to be at odds with the health legislation and present a risk to health."
On March 18, the Anvisa had suspended all soy products with lots of trademark Ades, different flavors and packaging. The suspension came shortly after the recall announcement made by the company to 96 units of 1.5 litre Apple Juice Ades manufactured on 2/25/2013 lot with initials, AGB 25. According to the company, there was a failure in the process of cleaning, which resulted in the bottling of cleaning solution in place of juice. In accordance with note issued by Unilever at that time, the consumption of this substance can cause burns.
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