segunda-feira, 25 de março, 2013

Relief to drain only harvest arrives next year

In that depend on expansion of transport infrastructure, the current crop of Brazilian beans will continue taking to be shipped. There, in the portfolio of ongoing projects under the supervision of the Ministry of transport, no work to be delivered in the coming weeks to ease the problem.
An important aid will come only for the next harvest, ensures the State's Transport Minister, Paulo Sérgio Passos. He says that later this year will complete the paving of BR 163 to the port of Miritituba (PA). So far, 52% of the land, 883 kilometres have already been asphalted.
The works have slowed down from November, because of the rainy season, but will be resumed from April "in heavy pace," according to Steps.
Thus, the soy produced in Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul will have an option of disposal by the North of the country, a path about 700 kilometers shorter than the itinerary today, when the beans are exported from the ports of Santos (SP) and Paranaguá (PR).
Optimists believe that even in this vintage Ferronorte Rails reach the municipality of Rondonópolis (MT). In this way, all the production in the region could follow the train to the port of Santos, in the Baixada Santista. Although say that completion of work is imminent, the Minister is cautious about that.
"Short term has no solution," agreed the Director-General of the national agency of waterway transportation (Antaq), Pedro Brito, former Minister of ports. He evaluates that solutions to expand the capacity of the port of Santos are medium and long term.
Storage. On the evaluation of Bashir, the ' Blackout ' port related low grain storage capacity in Brazil. In the absence of places for stocking production, the trucks are converted into makeshift bunkers. "The United States are capable of silage for almost two years", compares.
This must be one of the attacked in operational measures that the Government is working out in the working group formed by the ministries of transport and Agriculture.
The Minister said Steps that recently formed a queue of 25 miles of trucks in the courtyard of the company ALL in Itiquira (MT) because they arrived before the date scheduled for discharge.
Other measures of an operational character can be adopted to alleviate the congestion at ports, according to Steps. He doesn't tell you, however, that these measures.
In the assessment of the Minister of transport, the current crop of grain is "atypical", given its large volume.
The same reason was appointed on Wednesday by the Chief Minister of the Secretariat of ports, Leonidas Cristino. He commented that the high production aggravated the difficulties of embarkation. To make matters worse, the rains in the region of Saints are preventing the shipment of grain, since the port terminals do not have coverage.
The ' Logistics ' Blackout ' until it took place, "according to a Government assessment. Given the slowness with which the works are being performed and the growth of export-oriented agricultural production, congestion at ports were more than expected, says this member.
The focus now is on railroads and ports, designed exactly focused on the export of Brazilian production. But the new railway lines will be ready only in five years, if all goes as planned.
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