sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro, 2013

Brazil will invest r $ 2.3 million to promote the export of milk

The Brazil will invest r $ 2.3 million by next year to promote the export of national milk. The goal is to export by the end of 2014 more than $ 82 million of milk and derivatives. To achieve the result, the Ministry of agrarian development (MDA), the Brazilian Agency for Promotion of exports and investments (Apex-Brazil) and the Organization of Brazilian cooperatives (OCB) signed yesterday an agreement.
Since 2008, the Country ceased to be exporter of milk and went to the status of importer. The international crisis provoked indentation on purchases and increased protectionism in the world market. The Government's expectation is that, in a decade, exports of milk, cheese, butter and other derivatives reaches R $ 1 billion.
The Government will provide a total of r $ 1.9 million and the OCB will bear $ 372 million. After two years, will be invested in new values. Through the agreement, subsidized credit should be granted to producers for the acquisition of 3,600 items, such as tractors, milking machines and coolers. The credit will be made available within the Pronaf more food Program, with interest of 2% per year.
It will be up to the OCB stimulate industry membership, which is very capilarizado, and Apex-Brazil promote its products abroad, putting the seller and buyer, Roger Baker, Business Director of the Agency. Will be invited to visit Brazil importers, foreign journalists and opinion-makers to meet the industry's work and do business.
The markets targeted are: Angola, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, China, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Venezuela. The Government should extend technical assistance to producers.
The Minister of agrarian development, Pepe Vargas, pointed out that the initiative enjoys family farming, which accounts for 50% of the national production of milk. The dairy industry employs 4.7 million people, with 4.3 million in the field.
To the President of the OCB, Márcio de Freitas, the cooperative system "exists to help the entrepreneur and not mess up."
According to Freitas, cooperatives facilitate the producer the business closure.
"The chain has to be organized so that all links in the chain are near their forces, involving producers, the industry, the cooperative and the commercial structure with the logistics of the market," he says.
Will be made missions to countries like Angola, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, China, Iraq and Egypt.
The goal is to increase Brazilian exports in the sector in 30% by 2014.
During the signing of the agreement which took place on Thursday (21) was present in the Auditorium of the National Institute of colonization and agrarian reform (Incra), the Minister of agrarian development, Pepe Vargas.
Also attended, the National Secretary of family agriculture, Valter Bianchini, the Business Director of Apex-Brazil, Roger Baker, and the President of the OCB, Márcio Lopes de Freitas.
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