sexta-feira, 08 de fevereiro, 2013

BB and Mapfre group invests in recycling vehicles

The fleet of vehicles in the capital has nearly doubled in the past ten years, according to data from the Denatran (transit National Department). Despite the dynamism of the auto industry, little is known about the fate of the cars that are no longer able to travel the streets, or have been considered as a total loss in case of an accident. If they are not treated correctly and are abandoned, many of the components may become harmful to the environment.
With an insured fleet of more than 2 million vehicles, the BB group and Mapfre now has a project focused on correct disposal of carcasses of cars coming out of circulation, by accident or by old age. During the months of January to October 2012, 427 tons of recycled materials.
"Through this action we carry out a cycle of conscious experience in the market. In addition to protecting the well and pay the indemnity to the insured, we guarantee a smart and sustainable destination for the vehicle, due to an accident, came out of the current fleet, "says Alexandre Jabis, Director of the Group's cars BB and Mapfre.
The recycling process begins after the car be forwarded to a partner company and workshops for expert evaluation.
Set the total loss by fire or collision, the vehicle is forwarded to one of the patios of the insurer, where professionals identify the components that "loose" (erasers, glasses etc.) and send to the Recycle Bin, through Ecopalace, a company specialized in the separation and disposal of waste. The final step is the total destruction of the car, through the steel industry.
"Recycled wastes are reused in the production of appliances, building materials, Poles, etc," says Alexander.
According to Alexandre, Jabis process generates a benefit for the entire chain, since each ton of steel produced with scrap prevents extraction of 1,140 pounds of iron ore and 154 pounds of coal and consumes only one-third of the energy generated from a ton of iron ore.
In addition, the initiative reduces by more than 70% water consumption and CO2 emissions-1.44 tonne of CO2 per tonne produced.
"To improve our action in this direction, we collect all of these vehicles to liquids that do not contaminate the water table and follow in a 100% safe recycling", concludes Jabis.
Brasil Econômico
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