quinta-feira, 28 de novembro, 2013

Kopenhagen and Amarula feature special kit for Christmas

To celebrate Christmas, the premium liqueur Amarula African and fine chocolates shop Copenhagen created a special kit for the occasion. The package comes with a bottle of 50 ml of Amarula Cream liqueur, awarded internationally by the taste of the exotic African Marula fruit, and six cups of milk chocolate Kopenhagen.
The Christmas Kit comes in a custom box and will be sold in stores all over Brazil Kopenhagen.
About Amarula
Since 1989 in South Africa drinks market, the Amarula Cream, produced by Distell group, is considered the best liqueur in the world by respected associations. Made with the fruit of the tree (Sclerocarya birrea) Maruleira Africa, the preparation of the drink is shrouded in a mystical story.
About Copenhagen
For 84 years, the Kopenhagen seduces the palate of Brazilians. Synonymous with sophistication in the segment of fine chocolates, the brand is part of the CRM Group – also the controller Chocolates Cocoa Brazil – and is present in virtually all the national territory, adding 300 stores. This growth led the CRM Group to devise a new industrial park which is responsible for a production of 2,000 tons of chocolate per year, only for the brand of Copenhagen. There are over 300 items on line, some of them top of mind in their segments such as holy cat Language Nhá, Lajotinha, BB gun and Cherry Brandy.
Guia da Embalagem - 28/11/2013
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