terça-feira, 19 de novembro, 2013

Government controls, but expensive fuel at the gas station

Petrobras not readjusts automotive fuel prices since the beginning of this year, but in retail gasoline and diesel oil are more expensive. The Monthly Trade Survey (PMC), released yesterday by the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE), reveals that the prescription of fuel stations grew almost twice the volume of litres sold in September compared to the same month last year.
Fernando Genaro/Fotoarena
Retail revenue grew more than double the sales volume
The resellers revenue rose 8.6%, while the volume of sales advanced 4.2 percent. The difference is in inflation, says IBGE researcher, Aliciana Gusmão. The increase in prices occurred in the month escapes the control of the State or the Government. It occurs in the distribution and sale of fuel market segments free from State interference.
This year to date through September, the gas accumulates high of 1.74% and diesel oil, 9.82%. Already the ethanol was 2.97% cheaper, according to the national consumer price Index (IPCA).
High fuel prices, however, is not sufficient to inhibit consumption, says Aliciana. She believes that the slowdown in sales volume from August to September — the first month sales grew 5.4% and in the second, 4.2% — reflects more the high food prices than fuels itself.
"In General, prices do not have direct influence on sales of fuels. What is happening is that, with high food prices, families are forced to choose priorities and cut superfluous. People prefer buying other products such as fuel, "says Aliciana.
See also: Petrobras proposes new methodology for fuel price adjustment
In addition, fuel inflation this year is lower than the average of general inflation, says the researcher. This is, in his opinion, all the more reason for that option by product is not directly influenced by their price variation.
The last rate increase of petrol and diesel was granted by Petrobras on 30 January. A gallon of gasoline sold in refineries was 6.6% more expensive and the diesel oil, 5.4%. Last month, the State President, Grace Foster, signaled the need for new price adjustment to recompose the company box.
Portal IG - 14/11/2013
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