sexta-feira, 11 de outubro, 2013

With services, meat stores grow

Meat stores gained in the domestic space to meet a demand not met by supermarkets: steaks with different cuts. With this, companies like the Emporium Marcos Bassi, the butcher shop and Swift, Wesse grew up and sprayed the concept, who arrives today to the small and medium Brazilian businessman.
Located usually in noble areas of the cities, where the purchasing power of the consumer is larger, these operations provide products in smaller containers, meats seasoned and already some groceries as "farofas", wines, olive oils and condiments.
The average investment in this segment-modernization or to a new point of sale-varies between $ 200,000 and $ 2 million and one of the obstacles of the activity is the skilled labor. According to the businessmen heard by the DCI, is required between two and three years for the formation of a specialized professional.
These boutiques are differentiated by cuts of steaks as Angus and lamb. In addition, the inclusion of services such as home delivery, the sale of kits for barbecue (coal, salt and the like) and even the offer of a barbecue were crucial in distinction from traditional operation and the boutiques of meat.
The qualification of products and services is reflected in the prices that sometimes come to be until 50% higher than those charged in supermarkets.
In Sao Paulo, for example, it is estimated that 14 000 establishments working in retail meats, 2,800 of which are located in the municipality.
According to Manoel Henrique Union President of retail trade of fresh meat in the State of São Paulo, the modernization of operations became necessary with the inclusion of women in the labour market, that there are more or less 30 years. "In the old days, women ran the House and even taught the butchers working, cut the meat. Today, they have little time and seek in butchers products that bring practicality, "he says.
The self-catering was also responsible for the professionalization of these establishments, according to Henry. "The supermarkets have to offer those cuts used in day to day with this, the butchers have begun to lose parish. To recover and thrive, the owners of these establishments have begun to offer differentiated cuts and added services in his butchers, "he explained.
"You have to understand what you're talking about, guide the consumer at the time of preparing the food. Must know their customers by name, "explains Marco Antonio Moraes, owner of Mr. Beefs, from São Paulo.
A little more than two years in Ipiranga, one of the neighborhoods of the capital, Moraes has used more than 30 years of experience as a retailer to create the operation. "I learned many things about handling meat cuts and quality than offered to the consumer. When creating the Mr. Beefs, wanted to spend a little of my experience and offer a differentiated service, "he says.
In his shop, Moraes offers individual packages in pre-cooked meats; seasoned meats, BBQ and Grill inputs (skewers, grills). The businessman also created a line of ready-made meat which bears the name Mr. Beefs, in which the same is keen to test all the recipes. "With these products the consumer needs just thaw and warm."
The convenience was also a starting point of Fabiola Batista, owner of Beef Bistro, in Goiânia. With an investment of R $ 2 million, the businesswoman who worked a few years in the food sector of large companies, has in its business five different sales channels. "I sell for food service (between 40 bars, restaurants and hotels); I have the roasts, which are sold on Saturdays and Sundays and have a van that is allocated once a week in the region's condos. In addition to these, I have the teleshopping and the deck hour, which is a space in the Beef Bistro where the consumer chooses the meat and she is freshly prepared. Include 30% to the value of the meat as barbecue service, "he says.
With average ticket of $ 110, Fabiola prefers to call his business, opened a little more than two years, store specializing in meat. The Executive did, three months after the inauguration, making your space box in blue. "Acceptance was very good, the population here is very close to barbecue. In addition, work with ten kinds of exotic meats, which is a differential, "he adds.
In Rio de Janeiro, Gabriel Dias, invested r $ 200 thousand to reformulate your business, the butcher's Prime, and turn it into a boutique. "I saw many butcher shops closed their doors in more than 30 years I have worked with that. I had to invest, since sales began to fall a lot, "he said. The Manager refers to competition with supermarkets.
To differentiate, bet on selling Days steaks as the veal and lamb. "I'm in a noble region of the River [Leblon], the client that comes here wants quality and first-class service," he said.
The average Prime ticket ranges from $ 350 to $ 500, and in addition to the residents of neighborhoods on the South side, Days supply bars and restaurants. "Bar that spends r $ 2 thousand in the flesh here with me", he argued, stressing that, in addition to the meat, good service is the key to success.
Diário Comércio Indústria e Serviços – 10/10/2013
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