sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro, 2013

Cecafé sees 10% increase in the country's coffee export in 2013

Total Brazilian exports of coffee in 2013 should stay between 30 and 31 million bags, which would represent an increase of 7 to 10 percent compared to the volume of 2012, predicted on Thursday the Council of Brazil's coffee Exporters (Cecafé).
The increase in 2013 would come after a year in which shipments amounted to 28.28 million bags, with a drop of 15.6 percent before 2011, reported the Cecafé in note.
For 2013, the entity report predicts an increase in revenues, which could be around 7 billion dollars, with "a high average prices moderate."
On Wednesday, the national supply company designed the crop to be harvested in Brazil in 2013 at around 48.6 million bags, the largest for a biannual cycle year low of Arabica.
The Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of the commodity.
With respect to total exports revenue of 2012 had 27 percent retreat before 2011, a total of 6.35 billion dollars.
Exports of green coffee closed last year at 24.92 million tonnes, 17 percent down from 2011.
"The fall in volume of exports can be justified largely by the rains in growing areas, which ended up delaying the harvest, as well as the preparation and entry into the marketing of the product," said the Director-General of the Cecafé, William Barnes, in a statement.
Exports fell at a year when Brazil harvested a record above 50 million tons.
Barnes has also said that the reduction in volume was impacting the recipe, which also suffered from the fall in stock prices reflected in the variations of the average price.
The price of coffee on the New York Stock Exchange dropped about 35 percent percent in 2012.
The Executive says, however, that the volume of exports in December was close to normality, with shipment of 2.57 million bags of green coffee, just 1.6 percent below the same month in 2011.
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