News by Product (Total - Dry pasta)
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Basket rises in all the capitals of the country in April

5/9/2017 - The basic basket price rose in all the capitals of the country in April.

Products focus on traditional brands to face a difficult year

5/2/2017 - São Paulo, with the domestic demand still retracted, the food manufacturers have decided to strengthen their bets in more traditional brands for sales growth in 2017.

ABIMAPI Registers High of 4.3% in the sector in 2016

3/27/2017 - The Brazilian Association of industries Biscuits, pasta and breads & Cakes (ABIMAPI) industrial, in partnership with the consultancy Nielsen, announces the industry performance data in 2016. Together, the three categories represented by the entity reached a total of R$ billion, 36.862 high of 4.3% from 2015. "The biggest turnover registered in function of partial transfers that the industry needed to make retailers, as a result of the increased cost of production", explains Claudio Zanão, Chief

Food should reduce pressure on inflation

7/26/2016 - Sao Paulo-the prediction of more favorable behavior in wholesale prices, coupled with the recovery of the real to the dollar, should cause the food inflation will cool down from August.

Borges de grano duro pasta now arrives throughout the State of Rio de Janeiro

2/27/2015 - Just arrived to the market of the State of Rio de Janeiro the Italian pasta, grano duro, of the Borges Food. There are four types of dried pasta-penne rigate, farfalle, spaghetti and fusilli – which can be found in the supermarket Prezunic network.


10/20/2014 - The company is launching on the market a new mixture for preparation of Panettone, King Cake, stolen and threads, the Pantone Plus Full.


10/6/2014 - In honor of October rose, the company launched a special edition of penne to your premium line. Entitled "Speciale October Pink", during the entire month 1% of your revenue reverts to the Neo breast Institute prevention and fight against breast cancer.

Barilla expands line of grano duro and strengthens its presence in Brazil

9/30/2014 - Authority when it comes to pasta, the Barilla, the world's largest manufacturer of the product for more than 137 years on the market, strengthen investment in Brazil and launches three new cuts of its classic line of grano duro, the famous "blue box". Ruote, Pipe Rigate and Stelline added to a portfolio containing a line of special sauces imported from Italy and tender Wheat Pasta with eggs, the latter released in 2013 with exclusivity for Brazilian consumers.


9/24/2014 - The pasta sector sees 2015 optimistically and bet at 3% expansion between the 4% and may reach 5%. According to the Association of pasta and bread & Industrialized Cake (Abima), Brazilian consumption changed. The demand now is for more sophisticated products and of higher quality, which guarantees higher revenues and spending.


9/1/2014 - The brand of pasta is launching a campaign to promote and reinforce the image of sophistication of its products line Grano Duro.

Santa Amalia launches new line of pasta

7/29/2014 - The mineira Santa Amalia Foods launches its new line of pasta Speciale. The design of the line Speciale was created by Pande based on a study of ready-made pasta segment of Minas Gerais and special attention to the consumer's aesthetic perception miner.

Barilla almost doubles sales in the country with mass to the class C

6/23/2014 - Global leader in the market for pasta, Barilla Italian expanded in 84% of volume sales in Brazil in 2013. Significant expansion is attributed to the announcement, a little over a year ago, a cheaper version of its pasta-a pasta with eggs and common wheat flour, manufactured in Contagem (MG) in a joint venture with the Brazilian Vilma Foods. The product costs less than $ 3.

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