News by Product (Liquid milk)
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Lala can question the sale of Itambé

12/12/2017 - The purchase of the Itambé by French Food for Lactalis WINS contours of a future legal battle. The Mexican dairy company Lala, who tried to buy the Itambé-but it was only with the Force, can enter the Justice to question the operation, second source close to the company.

J&F closes sale of Force to Mexican by R $5 billion

10/27/2017 - After weeks of intensive negotiations, the Bailey brothers managed to complete the sale of the effect for the Mexican company Lala, which will pay R $5.025 billion to stay with 99.9% of the dairy company.

For Lactalis is closer to Nestlé in raising milk

4/19/2017 - The decline in milk production in the country last year, it generated strong periods for the raw material on the market did retreat raising milk from 15 companies of Brazil dairy in 2016. According to the ranking of Brazil-Milk producers association, the 15 biggest dairy companies captured together 9.667 billion liters of milk in 2016, a retraction of 1.9% on the previous year.

For Lactalis invests 100 million R$ on RS

10/26/2016 - São Paulo-for Lactalis Group began producing in Brazil its recognized brand of cheeses Président. For that, the French invested 100 million R$ in the factories of Rio Grande do Sul.

Chiquinho Ice Cream Creates Own Logistics Operation

10/26/2016 - The network of ice cream ice cream takes on the challenge of Chiquinho fuel their more than 400 franchised units, which was an outsourced company.

Anvisa will consult population about labelling of foods with and without lactose

9/23/2016 - The classification of foods for lactose-restricted diets and the requirements for the mandatory declaration of dairy products labels will be subjects of two new public consultations (CPs).

For Lactalis to double volume of milk in MG

9/12/2016 - The manufacturer of dairy products for Lactalis wishes to double the volume of milk received Juruaia plant (MG). The ability was 20000 litres/day. It is expected to reach 40000 up to December this year and 80000 in June 2016.

Laep fight with GP because of the LBR

9/6/2016 - The Laep, company known for buying Parmalat in Brazil, is accusing his partner GP Investments have neglected the administration of the LBR – Dairy Company created to be a "national champion", but that is now in bankruptcy.

Price of milk explodes and reaches almost $ 8 in Cuiaba, points Procon

8/10/2016 - The survey was conducted earlier this week by Procon. Rice prices were monitored, beans, soy oil, beef, chicken and UHT milk in supermarkets and butchers of Cuiabá

Rice, milk and corn can be the next villains of inflation

7/1/2016 - Bean took the place of tomatoes as food that''s weighing in the pockets of Brazilians. The price of the carioca, variety popular in the Southeast, climbed 54.09% until June, according to the IPCA-15 index IBGE, considered as the prior of inflation.

This Chestnut launches pure vegetable milk

6/26/2015 - The drink of the Chestnut translates all these benefits with the first milk plant in the world 100% pure.

Global demand for milk must grow 36% until 2024

10/6/2014 - The global demand for milk must grow 36% in the next decade, mainly due to the growth of population, the increase in the purchasing power of households and of urbanization in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The data is the seventh edition of Dairy Index, Tetra Pak ' s study which highlights the opportunities and challenges posed by the growing global demand for dairy.

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