News by Product (Fresh fruit & vegetables)
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CEAGESP index accumulates 4.32% fall in 2017

1/10/2018 - The year 2017 was favorable to the horticultural supply sector, helped by the climate and by the recovery of the economy. With lower interest rates, the industry, in General, managed to recover from the difficulties faced in 2016, increasing investment and the volume offered.

The basic basket price falls in capital 21

1/9/2018 - The cost of food in the basket fell in 21 Brazilian cities where the Dieese (Inter Union Department of statistics and socioeconomic studies) conducted monthly, in 2017, the national survey of the Basic Food Basket. The reductions varied between-13.16%, in Belém, and-2.76%, in Aracaju.

Power networks outside the home are ready to accelerate store openings

1/8/2018 - The improvement in the purchasing power of the Brazilian power sector rallied outside the home in the country. From fast food to traditional food, the plan is to leverage the lethargy of other sectors of the economy, as the price for leasing of property, to speed up the opening of units throughout this year.

Climate and investment benefit Orange production in Brazil and MG

12/18/2017 - Orange production should add 385.2 million boxes of 40.8 kilos this harvest 2017/18 belt formed by São Paulo and Minas Gerais, second estimate released by Fundecitrus (Citrus Defense Fund), with contributions from farmers and juice industries. The volume is almost 3% greater than the projected in September and 57% higher than the 2016/17 cycle (245.3 million boxes), which was hampered by climatic adversities.

Inflation of supermarkets has 2.56% fall in 2017

12/18/2017 - The IPS (supermarket price index) calculated by FIPE/APAS, fell again in November, after a high in October, with a variation of 0.80%. The reduction in the month was caused by the generalized fall in the price of food, especially fruits and vegetables (2.52%) and processed (0.93%).

Social startup sells organic products for affordable prices

12/1/2017 - SAO PAULO-the impact social startup Ubaia has created an e-commerce to connect the consumer to the small rural producer of organic foods. With operations only in Brasilia, the company mira in this sector that grew, in the Federal District, 34% between 2015 and 2016, according to the company of technical assistance and Rural extension (Emater). The capital of the country has 150 organic sale points, being 59 exclusive fairs.

Basket has high of 0.33% in may, says Procon-SP

6/14/2017 - São Paulo – São Paulo basket ended may with a high of 0.33% in comparison with the previous month, according to the Foundation''s research Procon-SP.

Veganism: Fispal Food Service will have space on Vegan Nutrition

5/17/2017 - Largest and most representative event directed to the sector of food outside the home in Latin America, the Fispal Food Service, which takes place in São Paulo between June 6 and 9, has just announced a new feature: the VegNice Space, which will be ridden for the first time at the fair.

Basket rises in all the capitals of the country in April

5/9/2017 - The basic basket price rose in all the capitals of the country in April.

Prices of vegetables have low expressive of the retail field

3/16/2017 - The production area increased and the weather cooperated, but the consumption did not follow the recent increase in the supply of fresh produce in the domestic market, which generated a crisis marked by low price, retail of Sao Paulo can be overcome 50 percent compared to levels from the beginning of 2016. "The crisis is the potato, tomato, onion, carrot, beet. Finally, a supersafra of all these products, benefit from a perfect weather "says Enori Barbieri, Vice President of Faesc (Federation o

The price of cassava root production but it falls in the State of Paraná

3/6/2017 - Cassava production fell in Paraná and, even with the price of the root climbing, the producer is not happy with the culture. The prediction is producers of resignation in the sector, and market instability reflects the mood of the producer. Farmers have reduced planting. The area planted in the State dropped from 132,000 hectares to 104,000 hectares. With the cut in production, the price has gone up. The producer is getting by the ton of cassava, at this beginning of year, 531 R$ – more than

Ceagesp Tips price and grows back in sales

2/21/2017 - After ten consecutive months of decline, the volume of sales at Ceagesp registered your first positive result. According to balance sheet released today by the supply center in January, were sold 342,233 tons of fruits, vegetables, vegetables, fish and flowers, 5.33% growth compared to the observed in the same period to 2016. Nevertheless, the financial flow fell to 16.2% in the same period, to R$ 708,700,000, reflecting falling prices of main products offered by Ceagesp. In 2016, the volume mar

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