News by Product (Flour - Industrial)
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Food companies fight for the brand "Laura"

5/3/2017 - The food multinational Bimbo, owner of the Bus and of Plus Vita, overturned at the Court of Rio de Janeiro the request to abort its brands which refer to the name "Laura". The Mill Hortolândia defended the cancellation of Chocolaura products, David, Laurattone, Gran Laura, Laura, and Laura Panifício, claiming to be the previous record holder, the trademark Owner Laura, to highlight the wheat flour is made by the company. The Chief Judge of the 2nd Class Messod Azulay, specialized Federal Court o

Wheat products Should Be Cheaper

10/17/2016 - The expectation is that prices of wheat products, such as breads, cakes and cookies, fall ever in the coming months, driven by a better production this year, in comparison with that of 2015, in addition to the large crop from Argentina, this year, which will leave the market more competitive, according to the Brazilian Wheat Industry Association (Abitrigo). The prospect is that the crop in the neighboring country is 50% higher than last year. Since January, the prices of wheat flour rose 1.88 pe

Bunge Bet in new forms of Relationship

10/7/2016 - The company, which owns brands such as Delicious, Soya, salad, Salsaretti, Perfection, Cardinal, La Española, useful when and Santa Luzia, has invested in new tools to expand the channels of customer service and relationship with consumers. Among the new features is the renewal of the "Customer Service" (SAC) which was renamed consumer House Bunge.

Country will have to import more wheat this year

11/23/2015 - Less than half of the Brazilian wheat production expected this year may be used for human consumption. The occurrence of frosts and rains during the harvest, especially in Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, knocked down the productivity and the quality of the cereal.

Profit of M white high 11.3% in Q3

10/27/2015 - The M White recorded net profit of 165 million R$ in the second quarter of 2015, high of 11.3% compared to the same range of the previous year.

Brazil imports 65% more flour from Argentina

10/14/2015 - The Brazil imported 193,302 .77 tons of flour from Argentina from January to August this year, representing a strong increase compared to 117,009 tons purchased .24 in the same period last year. On evaluation of Wheat flour, it-consulting & shows that the crisis is "pie and not General, and can be circumvented".

CADE approves acquisition of Pacific Mill by Bunge

9/28/2015 - The Administrative Council for economic Defense (Cade) approved without restrictions the acquisition of Pacific Mill industry and commerce, one of the leading companies of the country's wheat processing, by the Brazilian Division of agribusiness giant Bunge, according to statement released on Friday.

With sale of mill to Bunge, Pih leaves the field and prepares new onslaught

9/15/2015 - The Chairman of the Pacific Group, Lawrence Pih, says that has caused sadness to sell the mill which bears the name of the group, one of the largest in South America, to the Bunge. Due to the confidentiality agreement signed in the transaction, the entrepreneur cannot comment on the reasons for selling the unit founded by her father, a refugee from the capitalist Chinese regime in late 1950 he saw in Brazil good opportunities to start.

Bunge announces purchase of Pacific Mill

8/28/2015 - The Brazilian Division of agribusiness giant Bunge announced on Thursday that it has closed deal to buy Pacific mill, located in Santos (SP), one of the leading companies of wheat processing in the country.

Wheat flour

5/4/2015 - The recent high of the dollar, along with the fact that half the flour consumed in Brazil be imported, created an illusion that this was the primary factor for adjustment of 8% in the average price of products such as noodles, biscuit, industrialized breads and cakes. According to the Department of Rural Economy, in Paraná, one of the main producers of wheat in the country, in March, the price fell 26%. In addition, the fall in the price of wheat to 30% in international markets offset part of th

High dollar favors sale of national wheat

3/19/2015 - The strong appreciation of the dollar against real-high 13% in March and 22% in cumulative 2015 – can assist in the marketing of wheat imports of the commodity front national of neighboring countries such as Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, in addition to the United States and Canada.

Over presses and mills will run high for flour

3/10/2015 - With the increase in power rates, on freight and the prospect of reduced planting area, industry costs have risen more than 40% and must be passed on. "You can expect 25% increase in flour between the next 30 and 60 days," says the President of Pacific Mill, Lawrence Pih.

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