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With cheaper products, Starbucks wants to triple number of stores in the country

1/4/2017 - With a business that corresponds today to only 0.4% of global, Starbucks in Brazil plans to expand and have a massive operation, similar to that of the United States. The goal is to reach 367 stores in four years betting outside the Rio-São Paulo. National expansion should start by Brasilia, Curitiba and Belo Horizonte. Today, there are 103 units in the Country in 17 cities of the States of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Starbucks transformed coffee shops in Pokéstops

12/12/2016 - The rumors were confirmed. A partnership between the developer of the Pokémon game Go and Starbucks will transform the coffee shops of the franchise in Pokéstops. For those who still are not familiar with the term, these spaces are "gyms" which enables virtual players to interact with each other and find special items for the game, among other things.

Beverage market with less sugar will grow 3.6% up to 2020

7/21/2016 - The beverage industry keeps on eye on the interests of Brazilians for healthier products, despite the negative Outlook for the economy. A survey by Euromonitor International estimates that actual sales of sodas and juices with low sugar content will grow 3.6% up to 2020. The expansion is a bit lower than that registered in the last five years. Last year, the segment moved $ 1.4 billion in Brazil, an increase of 4.1% compared with 2010.

After Recovery Drink hits the market as a digestive drink

9/30/2014 - The After Recovery Drink hits the market as a digestive drink different. Composed of green tea, vitamins A, B, C and e, plus other natural plant extracts, the liquid resembles an aerated tea.

Twinings throws collectible cans for the Brazilian market

5/30/2014 - The Twinings launches in Brazil a Special Edition and limited decorative packaging, created by CBA B + G are three steel cans collectibles: mix of teas-black citrus; Lady Grey, a black tea of a classical variety; and a Chamomile infusion, honey and Vanilla. The packaging is produced by rim.

Matte Leão launches promotional kits for arrival of winter

5/16/2014 - Beginning May 15, the day action is a strategy of Matte Leão, mark with over a century of history and tradition, aiming at the onset of winter. Are two combos with dry line products of Matte Leão, which allows the consumer to set up their own tea, geared toward those seeking practicality without giving up a soft drink and healthy.

Ambev see profit fall 1.1% in the quarter and $ 1.88 billion

7/31/2013 - Beverage maker Ambev posted a net profit of r $ 1.88 billion in the second quarter of 2013, a decline of 1.1% in comparison with R $ 1.90 billion gain from the same period last year. Although minor, the result came in line with expectations of analysts heard by value. In the first half, net profit advanced 0.2% to r $ 4.22 billion.

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