Thursday, June 06, 2019

Mergers market grows 1% until May

Despite the modest growth of only 1%, the volume in mergers and acquisitions in the accumulated of the first five months of the year reached the mark of R $100 billion, according to the monthly report of the Transactional Track Record (TTR), in partnership with LexisNexis and TozziniFreire Lawyers. In number of operations, a decrease of 7.5% in comparison with the same period last year, to 453. Of these, 193 had their values revealed, approximately 43% of the businesses carried out in the country. In May, the TTR recorded 78 announcements of purchase and sale operations involving Brazilian companies. Among the operations of the month that had their values disclosed, the financial volume totalled 21.2 billion reais. The technology segment concentrates the largest number of mergers and acquisitions between January and May, with 114 operations, high of 15% compared to the previous year. Following that, the financial and insurance sectors appear, with 56 businesses announced, falling by 5%, and real estate, in a 15% high with 39 operations announced. Since the beginning of the year, investors from the United States have responded for 35 of 99 operations carried out by foreign companies in the country. The number is 35% lower than that recorded in the same period last year. The U.S. capital was responsible for a total of R $3.9 billion in contributions made in Brazil during this period. However, Canada was the country that most invested in the national market in 2019, totaling more than R $32.6 billion in applied resources. The technology and Internet sector remains the most attractive for international investors, with 29 acquisitions of Brazilian companies, despite a decline of 9.4% in the number of businesses.
DCI - 06/06/2019 News Item translated automatically
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