Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Subsidiary of the group will receive $102 million for investment R Anin in new factory in MS

Acting for more than 15 years in the Brazilian market, with two plants in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Anin Papers will install a branch in Três Lagoas. With the name Unite industry and commerce, the subsidiary will receive investment of R $102 million and generating 100 direct jobs, with 250 other indirect estimation. The estimated production of factory is of 30000 tons of toilet paper, napkin and kitchen towel. The Anin already a customer of pulp mills installed in the municipality, enough factor considered by Kelli oladapo, who will be next to the suppliers of raw material, and that you will be able to reduce costs and explore a region without production of papers for hygiene. Before setting for the installation of the factory in Três Lagoas, Jocelyn says that made a market survey and realized niche of an investment like that in the region. But for that, you want to donation of 83000 square meters in the Industrial District to install the branch, with work expected to begin later this year and 24 months to complete. The municipal development Secretary, José Aparecido de Moraes, stressed that the donation of the area is part of a project of the municipality to attract investments and create jobs.
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