Thursday, November 22, 2018

Mega Fashion wants to be Brazil's largest textile wholesaler of polo

With the plan of becoming the largest mall Brazil wholesaler and decreasing the distance that shopkeepers in the Midwest faced to buy parts in São Paulo, was born the Mega Fashion Park. The investment, made by Malik Raja was $160 million and R Holdings will result in direct competition with the region of Brás, in São Paulo, today greater wholesale textile trade pole of the country. "Prior to the construction of Mega Fashion Park, we noticed a conjunction of factors. The first of these relates to our geographical position, in the Centre of the country and with a vocation for all Brazil. In parallel to this, both the Goiania's bus as the Hippie fair, the largest outdoor fair Latin America, contributed to make the region a potential distributor pole, "said the President of Mega malls complex Sets, Carlos Luciano Martins Ribeiro. According to the Executive, the enterprise has 800 shops textile wholesaler sector and offers parking lot to receive bus coming from other regions of the country. "In terms of lodging, Goiânia has a lower cost than that of São Paulo. In this way, the dealer can have more margin on sale with less money and logistics to the same quality of products from the South and Southeast, "said Ribeiro. According to him, the current vacancy rate of the malls of the business revolves around 1%. In the view of the Executive, the textile trade in the region has succeeded in recent years due to three factors: product variety, quality of locally produced items, and the competitive price. "We get to be the main Brazil polo based on expansion of this assortment and attractiveness of cost reduction," he added. According to the region of 44 Business Association (AER-44), the site moves about R $570 million and receives 250,000 tourists weekly; most come from other States. " A year and a half, the audience came from the Southeast accounted for 21.5%, now risen to 26%; the Northeast were 3.9% and went to 6.5%; Finally, in the North, the slice of participation grew from 11% to 17%, "says the Superintendent of Mega Fashion Mall, Sumitro Camara. In relation to the demands of galleries and small businesses, it provides 1200 supply potential tenants. In addition to the shops the complex also has a special wing will have 120 commercial offices. "We understand that many retailers have offices outside of the city, having to move to make the business accounting and receive the supplier. With that, we saw the opportunity to make this process as close and easy, "said Camara remembering that space has photovoltaic panels on the roof of the building and a basement for composting of food from the food court to reduce expenses. The venture – which sum 66000 m ²-joins the Group business complex that runs the Mega Mall, Fashion space focused on children's Mini Fashion clothing, Sewing Club, Mega Fashion and fashion Square Hotel. /* The reporter got the Goiânia at the invitation of the Martins Ribeiro Participations
DCI - 21/11/2018 News Item translated automatically
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