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1802 items in 121 pages
Mineral water grows 28% in summer

1/12/2017 - The estimate is that the category move R$ 176 million every month from the station Recommended expo

Malls invest in holiday attractions, but conversion is still challenge

1/12/2017 - São Paulo-After a year in which the flow of visitors in the malls retreated 3.48 percent, the shoppi

E-commerce billing falls 6.6%

1/12/2017 - São Paulo-After record high in the second quarter of 2016, the Commerce of the State of São Paulo re

Hotels want to attract small investors to condo-hotel model

1/12/2017 - São Paulo-With the close proximity of the model regulations condo-hotel, the hotel industry hopes to

Service sector grows 0.1% in November

1/12/2017 - The volume of the service sector of Brazil grew 0,1% compared to October and had 4,6% drop in compar

Fruits and vegetables Creates products and Snacks for the summer

1/11/2017 - The Grocery network launches new products and snacks for the summer, they are: "Wrap Sensation" made

Sales in hyper and supermarkets grew 0.9%

1/11/2017 - Sales in hyper and supermarkets rose 0.9% in November 2016, compared to October of the same year. Th

Sale of Fans Grows 170% in Extra

1/11/2017 - The supermarket chain Extra announces that, from 22 December to 5 January 2016 and 2017, the sale of

Consumer delinquencies fall 0.41% in December

1/11/2017 - São Paulo – the number of consumers delinquent fell 0.41 percent in December compared with November,

Star mill Invests $10 Mi in Modernization

1/11/2017 - The Star Mill, wheat flour manufacturer of Canoes, celebrates 50 years this Wednesday (11) and annou

Alibaba assumes control of chain Intime for $2.6 bi

1/11/2017 - The trade group online retailer Alibaba will take over the control of the Chinese network of large p

Company invoice with Couscous and toasted coconut gourmet whey in the Bowl

1/11/2017 - The traditional couscous Bahia won, in Niterói (RJ), gourmet versions, gluten free and dairy free. R

PET debut in vodka Sobieski

1/11/2017 - The news reflects a goal for plastic, but hides a track for marketing on a knife edge. Wind power in

Sam Zell and Country unite auto-armazenagem business in Brazil

1/11/2017 - São Paulo – the real estate magnate Sam Zell and country Investments agreed on Wednesday to combine

New habits and protein pull organic market

1/11/2017 - Sao Paulo-the change in eating habits of the population exceeded the economic crisis for the organic

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