Monday, June 05, 2017

BRF hit record sales in May and should be back in the black in third quarter

The BRF had in May the your best month of sales in two years. Good performance comes after the creation of a Committee to overhaul the management of the company. The Chairman of the Board of BRF, businessman Abilio Diniz, head of the initiative, promised 90 working days and the result came within. Since the end of 2016, the company, under the command of Pedro Faria, is perched on the brazilian operation, correcting mistakes of the past.
All blue
The next step is to go back to blue. The reverse path of the food company, which in 2016 had the first annual net loss of your story, should materialize in the third quarter of this year. This turnaround, after three quarters in the red, comes the trailer of adjustments in the management strategy of the BRF. It''s still a reflection of the price of corn in Brazil, which has retreated approximately 50% of this year''s date. The crisis of the JBS, embroiled in a corruption scandal, must also give your contribution. The result may, however, precedes the turbulence of the competitor.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 04/06/2017
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