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June, 2017

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134 items in 9 pages
Amazon will buy the network Whole Foods for $ $13.7 billion

6/19/2017 - Amazon will buy the American network Whole Foods for $ $13.7 billion, thus expanding your Empire. Th

Coca-Cola tries to win space in Guarana

6/19/2017 - Coca-Cola Brazil put on the market in recent days a Guarana soda Fanta, branded with the bold goal o

Nestlé considers sale of the candy business in the United States

6/19/2017 - Nestlé announced that evaluates strategic options for your candy business in the United States, incl

Basket has high of 0.33% in may, says Procon-SP

6/14/2017 - São Paulo – São Paulo basket ended may with a high of 0.33% in comparison with the previous month, a

Levi''s invests in National Production

6/14/2017 - Levi s brings to Brazil officially brand production. According to the company, the proposal is to gi

Arcor Recasts Paçoca Love

6/14/2017 - The Arcor reformulated the Naw''s visual love for the jerk. According to the company, the product is

Raízen offers R$823 mi to buy power plants from Santa Cândida and Paradise, Tani

6/14/2017 - Raízen Energy, a joint venture of Cosan and Shell, reported that presented on Tuesday proposed bindi

Verizon completes acquisition of Yahoo and Mayer resigns

6/14/2017 - Verizon said on Tuesday that it has closed the purchase of 4.48 billion dollars from the main busine

Force is offered to Danone, for Lactalis and Lala, say sources

6/14/2017 - Sao Paulo-the Force is being offered to about half a dozen companies, including for Lactalis and Dan

Ube nylon can be an option for packaging canned hearts of Palm

6/14/2017 - Although the glass and metal cans have always been the "official" containers for canned hearts of Pa

The double rice and beans resistant to changes of consumption

6/14/2017 - Despite the changes in the consumption habits of the population in recent years, some things remain

Minerva will reopen fridge in MT

6/14/2017 - The information of the brothers Wesley and Joesley Batista-JBS/Friboi owners – controlled by holding

Retail sales should rise 3% in São Paulo June

6/13/2017 - According to the projections of the FecomercioSP (Federation of trade in goods, services and tourism

Grow diligence for acquisition of companies

6/13/2017 - The efforts made by consultants-step prior to an acquisition, which involve wagering a technical aud

Food price index climbs 2.2% of FAO in may

6/13/2017 - The food price index of the Division of the United Nations FAO (food and Agriculture Organization) g

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