Monday, July 18, 2016

Sale of full grape juice slows down

After closing high of 29.8% 2015 by volume, selling grape juice only 0.41% advanced integral between January and may this year, against the same period of the previous year. The main reason is the fall in employment and incomes. The maintenance of this scenario should cause the 2016 growth is not as robust, as occurred last year.
Dirceu Scottá, President of Ibravin, explains that there has also been an increase in production costs due to the fall grape harvest and high IPI (tax over Industrialized Product), besides the ICMS (tax on circulation of goods and services). All this made the full juice get more expensive the shelves of supermarkets.
Even so, Scottá bet that consumers won''t take the place of the shopping cart. The Brazilian is still getting healthier products, but has changed the frequency of use and the quantity purchased. Therefore, it is up to the supermarket work the category most appropriate way to encourage sales.
A caution is to be attentive to the decision tree, i.e. the criteria of choice of drink at the time of purchase. According to the manufacturer, the classes Zanlorenzi Famiglia and (B) consider, in defining what a ride home, the type of packaging. Then, select the mark and, as a result, evaluate effectiveness, price and label information. Already the public C and D, says the company also begins to choose the packaging, but then analyze the price. This information can help the supermarket to adapt the exhibition in the gondola, becoming more assertive.
Publicize the health benefits of full juice also helps to increase sales. It is important that the public is informed that he is free of preservatives or sugar (therefore does not raise the rate of glucose) and is 100% composite by natural fruit juice. According to experts, the drink helps protect the body from toxins and free radicals. Also avoids the formation of fat in the blood, which collaborates to reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good (HDL). The balance between these two rates helps in controlling blood pressure and helps to prevent cardiovascular disease. The recommendation is to take two cups – about 200 to 250 ml each – daily.
This information can be disseminated through posters fixed in gondolas. Promoters and dietitians can guide customers in more detail and conduct tasting. Negotiate deals of type take three and pay for two, as well as economic packaging, also help to increase the product.
Supermercado Moderno
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