Monday, July 13, 2015

Parmalat back on the market with the strategy of yore

Two months ago, the brand began disclosing his return to gondolas, rescuing the famous campaign of mammals, the early 90. The repetition in advertising line is a mirror of Parmalat's marketing strategy on his return. After 10 years outside of Brazil, the company back with the same plan, focusing on its operations in UHT milk, betting on a product with greater added value. "Our goal is to resume the brand nationwide, but, at first, let's focus on the regions where our products were significantly more receptive, as in the States of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo and in the southern region," explains Patrick Sauvageot, CEO of for Lactalis in Latin America.
Besides the UHT
Despite the initial focus on long-life milk, Parmalat plans to the future do the same movement that the dairy industry held in recent years, adding new product lines, such as yoghurts, cheeses and zero lactose products. "We know that the profit on the line is the UHT penny, but it is the number one selling line in Parmalat", complements. Second Sauvageot, the first advances out of the recovery in the milk UHT Zymil Zero Lactose and Parmalatinho, chocolate milk for the children. Even so, the Executive points out that diversify the portfolio is not currently a priority. "The diversification of products is one way that companies take to increase the profitability of the business. We're taking the first steps in the retaking of the brand and to your space in the country, and in dedicating to the portfolio that we have today, "he concludes.
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