Thursday, January 09, 2014

Brazil follows as fourth largest automotive market

The drop in sales in 2013 not Brazil strip the post of fourth largest automotive market in the world, won in 2010. That's because Germany, which played in that position with the Brazilian market for the past four years, recorded low even more expressive in plates issued.
While in Brazil the demand for cars fell 1.5%, in Germany the retraction in consumption reached 4% last year, according to a survey of the VDA, the entity representing the automakers installed in the European country. With the 3.58 million passenger cars and lightweight utilities that got their plates in 2013, the Brazilian advantage in relation to Germans rose to little more than 627 thousand units, the equivalent of two months of sale.
Despite this, Germany produced 1.9 million more cars in the same period. The difference is that, while exports of German automakers totaled 4.2 million units last year, shipments of little Brazil went from 13% of this total. Although it has the fourth largest market in the world, Brazil, in the production of vehicles, occupies only the seventh position in the global ranking. To reduce this difference, Brazilian automakers charge of Government export incentives.
The two other countries that could threaten the fourth place occupied by Bombay-India and Russia-also recorded drop in vehicle sales in 2013, according to preliminary data. The licensing on the Russian market retreated 6% in accumulated until November. In India, Jet Dynamics consulting data collected until October show fall of 6.2%.
The largest markets of the world's vehicles continue to be, in this order, China, United States and Japan. In the Chinese market, sales already approaching from 20 million cars in until November, with an increase of 13.5%. In the United States, consumption of light vehicles also kept the recovery trajectory in the past year, marking evolution exceeding 8% to 14.2 million units, according to data also recorded in eleven months of 2013.
The Japan has remained in third place, but its sales are down since the Government withdrew stimulus location data for the purchase of cars after the tsunami that hit the country in March 2011. Vehicle sales in Japan fell 1.6 percent by November, a total of almost 5 million units.
A survey by KPMG consulting with automotive industry executives 200 points expectation that sales growth will be pulled in the next few years by emerging countries. For 85% of the executives who participated in the survey, the largest growth will be, until 2025, concentrated in the so-called Bric group, which gathers Brazil, Russia, India and China. According to the study, seven out of ten automakers expect the increased sales come from these countries.
Valor Econômico - 08/01/2014
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