Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The expense of Brazilians with hygiene and beauty products should reach $ 55,13 billion in the year 2013, an increase of 11% in comparison with last year. In 2012, the value reached r $ 49,65 billion.
The data is of Pyxis consumption, market sizing tool Ibope intelligence.
One of the highlights of this survey is the consumption potential of the class C, which represents 53% of households in the country. It is expected that this layer of the population spend a total of $ 24.6 billion this year with these products, 45% of the total projected nationally. Then comes the class B, which represents 25% of the households and must spend $ 21.06 billion, equivalent to 38% of the Brazilian consumption.
On comparison between regions of the country, the Southeast is responsible for greater involvement with 50% of national consumption. The Pyxis Consumption designs that the class C present in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais to spend a total of $ 11,84 billion with beauty and hygiene products.
The Northeast and South regions are those with greater participation after the Southeast, with 19% and 16%, respectively. However, residents of the South are the most spend with these products, with annual consumption of R $ 374,59 per inhabitant. The national per capita average is of R $ 335,88.
The consumption potential refers only to purchases of individuals along the retailers in the business and includes products such as perfumes, makeup, creams, glazes, razors and toiletries.
Female audience
Considered one of the leading retailers of public beauty articles, about 66% of women claim to be beautiful is one of the main concerns in the routine, according to the survey "the Brazilian, fashion and beauty", performed by the company Popular Date.
According to the survey, the northeastern region is the one that has a larger number of women concerned about the appearance, a total of 70%, followed by the South-East, with 63%.
Another aspect addressed by the survey is consumer acceptance of the new brands. Currently, approximately 56% adhere to products that have never been used before. In 2008, that number was 44%.
The garment sector is one of the most heated by the growing concern with the good looks. In 2002, there was a movement of R $ 43.3 billion, a figure that jumped to $ 87.1 billion last year.
To analyze the purchasing power of the population, the Popular Date research points out some differences. About 60% of consumers rated as low class by lifting, for example, indicate the value of the products as the main motivator of the purchase. 58% of the high class already considers crucial the quality of products purchased at retail.
Diário Comércio Indústria e Serviços – 10/09/2013
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