Friday, August 09, 2013

The company's profit grows 345% in second quarter

SAO PAULO-Comgas, piped gas company in the country, controlled by grupo Cosan, with 60.1% share, ended the second quarter with net income of r $ 167,8 million, elevation of 345% as compared to the same period last year.
Net revenue in the period was r $ 1.6 billion, up 25.6% over the second quarter of 2012. In the same range, the Ebitda (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) was $ 379,6 million, up 123% over the same period last year.
The result surpassed forecasts released today by analysts heard by value. Prior reports disclosed by Brokerage and Active by banks Santander and Itaú BBA, the company shut down, on average, net income of R $ 145,6 million in the second quarter, an increase of 294% on the same period in 2012.
The Group's net revenues, in the same period, was designed, on average, at r $ 523 billion, up 19% on net sales for the second quarter of last year. In the same range, the Ebitda, on average, would be r $ 345,3 million, elevation of 104% over same period in 2012.
Valor Econômico - 06/08/2013
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