Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Azuma Kirin invests in new visual identity

Azuma Kirin, the market leader in all sakes, conducts research with consumers and invests in new visual identity
Specialist in all sakes since 1934 and single-line segment of sake produced 100% in Brazil, the Azuma Kirin announces changes in visual identity of three of its main products: Golden, Soft and Nama. After research carried out with consumers, the company has identified the need for changes in the layout of packages including logo, slogan and graphic design.
According to Rodrigo Peca, marketing manager of Azuma Kirin, the goal is to provide an immediate recognition of consumer products at points of sale and create a new look for the traditional all sakes. The Azuma Kirin has as main differences to production of all sakes with rice and KOJI, imported from Uruguay and Japan, respectively, in addition to the use of production methods and machinery originally Japanese.
In addition to the new visual identity, created by agency Komm, the company will invest in campaigns, workshops and events in major capitals of Brazil empowering and informing consumers and market professionals on the sake and everything that involves the production and use of the product. "We don't want to just sell our sake and Yes pass culture and knowledge about the product. In the new insert labels information on production, consumption and characteristics, "says Rodrigo Peca.
The three products selected to lead the new company currently have compositions, targeting and different characteristics, which makes it possible to be tasted and harmonised on several occasions: the harmonic and dry taste has Golden, has alcohol content of 15, 5% and can be consumed pure, with ice cream or fruit caipirinhas; the Nama have taste slightly sweet, 15.5% alcohol content and can be tasted neat and icy. Already the characteristic aroma is Soft light and dry, has alcohol content of 14% and is ideal for drinks and fruit caipirinhas.
The iconic green bottle of sake Golden, who owns premium positioning between the company's products, was maintained in the new packaging, as well as the Soft and the Nama brings a more modern layout and design. Recently, the company launched the Special Tour, Kirin Azuma event for professionals and guests will pass through 8 capitals of Brazil until the end of the year and promises to provide experiences related to sake, between workshops on the theme with Rodrigo Peca – the company's marketing manager and specialist in sake formed by The Sake Education Council of Japan, wine tastings with the recognized mixologista Donna Bader, and dinners with the different all sakes of Azuma Kirin.
Guia da Embalagem - 02/07/2013
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