Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Karter remodeling packages of lubricants

The Karter Lubricants remodeled their packaging and labels. The ATF models and Engine Oil 1 litre of K40 were the first to receive the new guise. The jars developed internally by the marketing department of the company gained rounded shape with flattened corners "easy-grip for easy handling.
Self adhesive labels have also been refurbished and contain all the legal information (composition, mode of use and the data of the manufacturer) dismissing the need to serigrafar the verse. Soon the other items produced by the company will also be redesigned. The recast will extend to items of 5 and 20 litres. The creation of designer Eric Fernando de Oliveira. The labels are printed by the Soft Color.
Embalagem Marca - 02/10/2013
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