terça-feira, 29 de agosto, 2017

Outsourcing of cosmetics assists in industry productivity

The cosmetic market aims to always deliver the best and most innovative product options to their consumers, every day, are eager for news. To achieve this result and perform the delivery of impeccable form, some companies choose to adopt a style of work which, after all, also contributes on the competitiveness of the company within the segment: the outsourcing of cosmetics.
Outsourcing can be held partially or totally and covers from the choice of raw materials to packaging. One of the companies offering this service in the country is the Lipson, who believes in outsourcing as a way to generate savings on several points. The company performs the whole process of selection and recruitment of employees, dealing with the bureaucracy and legal procedures and is responsible for training and specialization of staff for excellence in the services provided.
"Outsourcing can be seen as a solution for businesses, since a spot or with continuous productions, especially when the client is specialized in some very specific product", explains Regina Rodrigues, Director of Lipson. The company has approximately 80 clients in your portfolio and acts in this segment for almost 30 years, being able to perform all the steps of the production process. Regina also States that the Brazilian cosmetics outsourcing scenario is well aligned with the most advanced procedures adopted around the world.
As outsourcing companies buy raw materials in large quantities, due to the high number of clients that will use the same material-there is no waste, this makes those production costs are reduced. "Another advantage, which can be interesting economically, is that spending as 13th salary, holidays, overtime, benefits, uniforms and other materials of the employees who will perform the services are already included in the amount charged annually or monthly by contracting company," adds the Director of Lipson.
A brand that has decided to invest in the hiring of these services was the Payot, which since the beginning of this year chose to reduce production costs and redirect this investment in marketing and sales. "We began work doing a contract of industrialization with the outsourced producers, that is, they enter with the labor and raw materials and we with the packaging. At this time we opted for the closing of our factory and the move to a full service contract, where the terceirista purchase everything you need to make the product ", argues Antonio Celso, industrial Technical Director of Payot.
Celso points out that the company that decides to outsource your production will depend on some factors to see the return economically. The main one is the increase in sales, product cost reduction or marketing activities. "With the increase in sales/production range there is a reduction in the price of the product by the terceirista. Our goal is to, at worst, even the price, which is a big win considering that we have no fixed cost of factory, which would go to the cost of the product, "she adds.
It is worth noting the importance to do a good job of listing the various existing outsourced producers because it can generate the delivery of a final product more competitive. In the case of Payot, it is too early to measure the results, but the company claims that you see positives and alerts for choosing a reliable and terceirista with good reputation in the market to not happen problems like lack of products or loss of sales.
New companies investing in the sector
The outsourcing market of cosmetics became a bias very interesting for companies that were already in business, but with other specializations. The Almapal, who has 30 years experience in pharmaceutical outsourcing, decided to invest this year in an area for cosmetic outsourcing, approved by the competent bodies in order to meet the growing market demand.
"We offer this service based on quality and customer service that always marked and were the Almapal differential. We seek business partners, not just customers. Also we decided to invest in this area as it is a growing market. Even during the crisis, the cosmetic industry sells, maybe people don't buy the same brands, but they buy their cosmetics, "said Mariela Palacios, Director of Almapal.
The company points out that performs all the steps of outsourcing, as soon as the client that you want to focus your time and investment only in the sales channel can choose full service or who want to choose only some services, you can opt just for industrialization receiving formula, inputs or customer's packing. "We are prepared to meet the demand of each customer, studying the best format for each one. We have a development lab to create or adjust formulas and new products. We offer support for the creation of the brand, product line, choice of packaging and registration with Anvisa, "explains Mariela. The company has just released the new Division and is attracting new partners.
All these market trends and cosmetic industry will be presented at FCE Cosmetique, which takes place between 22 and 24 may 2018, in São Paulo. Register for event and have access to exclusive content and of relevance to the sector.
Embalagem e Tecnologia - 29/08/2017
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