terça-feira, 05 de julho, 2016

Vegetarian consumer prefers artisanal brand to large enterprises

The vegetarian and vegan products market is a good opportunity for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, since I haven''t attracted a lot of interest from large companies, says Juliana Berbert, consultant of Sebrae.
"It''s a niche that favors more artisan production of smaller companies. For small investors in the sector, there is room for the mark to consolidate the market. "
Among the giants of the sectors of food, clothing and cosmetics, there are few options that don''t take products of animal origin in the composition.
The Leandro Duarte, 27, Manager of Natural Science, has invested more than 100000 R$ to create a line of rice protein supplements and peas (which today grows 40% per year) and leave no trace of your previous product: whey protein, made from milk.
"To produce other items with ingredients of animal origin would be an affront to vegan philosophy", says the Manager.
That''s because this consumer does not see with good eyes the use of animal ingredients in any other company merchandise. "So the great cannot be positioned in this market and focus on products for lactose-intolerant".
For professor Claudio Gonçalves, Fecap (Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado Foundation), the growth in demand has already begun to attract larger companies. The entry in this market is by acquisition of smaller.
"A big company buys a brand that already brings this identity of vegetarianism and organic for the consumer," says the professor.
Gee says the interest should continue in the coming years, including the entry of investment funds in the sector.
"The challenge is to please vegetarians and carnivores, but looking for and these products are not going to be stuck."
Folha de S. Paulo
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