segunda-feira, 22 de junho, 2020

Home Office Reflection

The computer market sold 1.47 million units between January and March 2020, a 16% increase over the same period in 2019, when there was a 6.2% drop. The data is part of a study by IDC Brasil, a market intelligence company. The results, according to the research, are related to the adherence of the home office due to the pandemic. Of the total sales, 71.9% were notebooks, with 1.064 million units, and 28.1% were desktops, with 415.6 thousand. In retail, growth was 15.4%, with 943,392 machines. However, the company expects the sector to close the year with a 1% drop in the corporate market and 5% in retail.
Giro News - 19/06/2020 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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