sexta-feira, 05 de junho, 2020

85% of people expect relevant role from corporations

In a few months the Covid-19 pandemic has changed people's perceptions of the world and will directly affect behaviors that will be seen in the coming years. Who points out is the mindset study: How pandemic times are shaping global consumers, conducted by FleishmanHillard. The company listened to consumers from six countries: Germany, China, South Korea, the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Changes in priorities, values and relationships mark the expectation of consumers in these markets for the coming years, including a review of what is considered essential or not. Given this scenario, the choices of companies for their brands, governments and organizations, will directly impact their images and relationships with this new global consumer that is already shaping from the experiences experienced with the crisis caused by the spread of the new coronavirus.
"It has become clear that all countries surveyed expect change. The pandemic will not only be something that will bring severe pain and grief, but also came for us to see pain as a learning that will bring change. The view of the world changes and, in this way, consumer behavior also", evaluates Patrícia Marins, partner of Grupo In Press and general manager of FleishmanHillard in Brazil.
The study showed that consumer fears and expectations are causing them to reassess their definitions of what are good organizations and brands: 73% said the pandemic changed the way they view the world, while 71% said Covid-19 has changed the way they view their countries.
On the other hand, while 94% pointed out that the governments of each country have a role to play in combating the crisis, respondents showed that they also expect other players to act effectively in this scenario: 88% believe that local businesses can play a relevant role; while 85% expect large corporations to do so as well.
Teresa Levin
Meio&Mensagem - 04/06/2020 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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