terça-feira, 05 de maio, 2020

Consumer Prepares the Dough

The Spoleto restaurant chain now provides semi-ready ingredients and pasta for consumers to cook at home. Through "Mercato Spoleto", the products are marketed in the supermarket tabs of the iFood and Uber Eats applications. The modality, which already represents approximately 5% of sales, was implemented in 200 units that operate with delivery - about 55% of the network - and will remain active after the pandemic. Spoleto will also soon launch its own delivery platform, which will include ready meals, ingredients and recipes. To publicize the news, the network will invest R$ 200,000 to send, free of charge, products to 2,000 customers of its loyalty program.
Giro News - 04/05/2020 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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