segunda-feira, 15 de julho, 2019

Management and new portfolio are targets of medium-sized magistral pharmacies

With the increase of representativeness in terms of turnover within the segment of handling pharmacies, small and medium-sized networks invest in professionalization in the management and expansion of the product portfolio for consumers. "Since the beginning of the economic crisis, in 2015, the segment has proved to be quite resilient in this scenario, with an average growth in the number of units of 8.8% annually and a turnover of R $5.7 billion," argued the president of the National Association of Magistral Pharmacists (Anfarmag), Marco Fiaschetti. According to the entity's leader, one of the achievements that this market has been demonstrating is precisely the elevation in the level of professionalization and adherence to trends to improve care. "The advances in the management of these small and medium businesses can be verified mainly in the use of big data and also of 3D printers for the customization of medications and supplements," said Fiaschetti, highlighting that the cross-data based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data has made the development of personalized medications more assertive. Still according to him, currently the genetic mapping performed in laboratories and the sharing of this information with small and medium-sized networks promoted the production of new supplements and medications, considering "possible treatments for the propensity Of some diseases "that the patient may develop in the future. With this, the leader also remembers that there was a greater openness to another "promising" niche for the Magistrals: the supplements. "We realized that the networks have been following the new consumer who sees the need to take care of their own health before actually developing some kind of disease. We also see the large arrival of consumers in the range of 30 to 40 years in search of this type of product, "he explained, noting that the category of cosmetic products with" therapeutic purpose "registers high in demand. In the same line of reasoning, the owner of the masterful network Khemeia, Ana Lucia Povreslo, tells that she invested in the professionalization and training of her employees to increase the efficiency of service and customization of requests – since the business Works with low profit margin. "We work with consumers of classes C and D. We have the need to obtain turnover in the stock and, for this, we decided to partner with the health clinics and also offices near our location, in order to provide alternatives of Medicines in these places, "she said. According to the executive, the average ticket is around R $110, with greater demand for hypertension remedies, for orthopedic treatments and rheumatism. "We see the arrival of many physicians who are doing residency and therefore are more open to suggestions of therapeutic treatments tailored to some types of pathology," added Ana Lucia. In addition, the executive stressed that the professionalization of the current 16 employees of the business demanded "large expenditures" with the area of human resources (HR), which increased the need to increase the profitability of sales. Another example of a masterful network that invests in portfolio diversification is Formula – with 90 units currently in operation. "We have focused on increasing the profitability of our operations, including more assertive alignment with our suppliers and importers. Products from the areas of nutrition, dermatology and genecology have shown a great dynamism in the regions where we operate, "said Bruno Costa, executive director of the network. According to him, in recent years, the niche of products more geared towards longevity has gained prominence. Even according to him, the average network ticket is between R $220 and R $250. In relation to revenues, Costa states that the group as a whole must reach figures of R $140 million – representing an increment of 25% over 2018.
DCI - 15/07/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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