quarta-feira, 10 de julho, 2019

IBM completes the purchase of Red Hat for US $34 billion

IBM completed on Tuesday (9) The acquisition of open source software in the Red Hat cloud for US $34 billion, representing the largest operation in the company's history. In the acquisition operation, IBM paid US $190 for each Red Hat action. The company reported that Red Hat will be integrated from now on as an independent unit in the IBM Hybrid cloud Division. With the operation, the giant expects to improve its position in the cloud computing sector, a market considered strategic by the company and that has turned into one of its main sources of growth, although it continues far behind giants like Amazon Web Services, from Amazon, and Microsoft's Azure. The announcement closes a process initiated in October when IBM CEO Ginni Rometty promised that the company would "become the world's number 1 hybrid cloud computing provider by offering companies the only open cloud computing solution that Unlock all the value of the cloud for your business. "
G1 - 09/07/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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