sexta-feira, 19 de julho, 2019

Distributors can sell cooking gas directly to the consumer

The National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) approved on Thursday, 18, in a board meeting, the repeal of resolutions issued by the Government in 2016 and that prohibit the direct sale of LPG cylinders (cooking gas) by distributors of fuels. "It is the end of the requirement that the 13 kg kitchen gas cylinder has to pass through the LPG dealer before reaching the consumer. So we are eliminating a regulatory constraint that has never been confirmed in practice, "said ANP Director General Décio Oddone. "The issue of LPG is crucial, today it is sold R $70 on average, but has places that are R $100. The value of the product corresponds to about R $26, the taxes are R $12 and the rest are the margins of distribution and resale ", explained the director general of the ANP. To allow direct sale, articles 36 of resolution 49/2016 and 27 of 51/2016, which prohibit LPG distributors from participating directly in the resale activity, were repealed. "We are working towards increasing competitiveness, which has as a backdrop to improve the price for the consumer," said director Dirceu Amorelli. He also said that the decision is important because it is the first step towards a less restrictive regulation in the sector.
Exame - 19/07/22019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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