terça-feira, 02 de julho, 2019

Actual industry billing drops 2.2% in May

The industrial activity presented retraction in May in comparison with April, according to the research of industrial Indicators of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). The actual revenues (discounted inflation measured by INPC) yielded 2.2% in the fifth month of the year, in the series with seasonal adjustment. In the comparison between May and the same month last year, there was an expansion of 17.6%. According to the CNI, the use of installed capacity increased from 77.7% in April to 78.7% in May. In the series with seasonal adjustments, the percentage was 77.8% to 78.1% in the period. The CNI also reported that employment in the industry gave 0.2% in May in the adjusted series. In relation to May 2018, there was a low of 0.4%. In the case of the actual wage mass (discounted inflation measured by the INPC), there was a high of 0.4% in May before April, in the series with seasonal adjustment, and low of 0.8% in relation to May 2018. The actual average income rose 0.5% in May before April and yielded 0.5% in relation to May of last year. According to the numbers of the CNI, the hours worked in the Brazilian industrial production also yielded in May before April (decrease of 0.2%) in the adjusted series. In relation to May of last year, there was a high of 1.3%.
DCI - 02/07/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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